Helping sea Turtles

Sea Turtles Need Our Help
Sea turtles face an uphill battle for survival every day. Pollution of the ocean has caused nasty effects for all sea creatures, especially sea turtles. They suffer from habitat loss, toxic diseases stemming from pollution, and the entanglement and ingestion of trash(specifically plastic). On top of all of that, sea turtles are in threat of poaching for their beautiful shells and getting hit by careless boats. They need our help!
Our Love of the Ocean
Our family loves the ocean and its creatures! We especially care for the sea turtles and sharks. Visiting the South Carolina Aquarium is a treasured family tradition that we do every summer. Also, Shark Week is our favorite thing to watch every year. We love learning about and doing everything we can to help these precious creatures and we encourage you to do the same!

Our Part
We have decided to donate a percentage of the revenue gained from all candle sales each year to the Sea Turtle Care Center located in the South Carolina Aquarium. All proceeds donated will aide in the care of and rehabilitation of injured and sick sea turtles.
Please click here to visit the South Carolina Aquarium website and check out the following:
Their facility and their efforts to rescue, rehabilitate and release sea turtles.
All the programs they provide.
Current turtles that are under their care.
Learn how to become a Sea Turtle Guardian.
Their wish list.
Other ways YOU can help:
Recycle what you can and pick up trash you see. Check to see if something can be recycled first and then dispose of it accordingly. Pollution from trash is one of the leading causes of pollution in the ocean.​
Eat ocean friendly seafood. Before purchasing seafood or eating somewhere that offers it, check to see if they follow the guidelines put in place for the capturing and selling of seafood.
Use eco friendly products that are biodegradable, reusable, or free of harmful chemicals that affect ocean life.
Reduce your carbon footprint. Global warming significantly endangers marine animals so do what you can to help. Reduce your electricity use and try to find more efficient ways of transportation.
Be a respectful beach visitor! When going on vacation to the beach be mindful of turtle nests, pick up your trash, and wear ocean-friendly sunscreen.
Support and donate to organizations that help out the ocean and its inhabitants!

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